
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The weather is still a bit warm but the scent of the season still seems to be in the air. I absolutely love this time of year. My kids seem to be more willing to let me snuggle them. Everywhere you go there is something pumpkin to eat or drink. And I can now really start to drive home the fact that Santa is WATCHING!!!! I have always slipped into a sort of "funk" around this time of year, I really really really miss my mom. We have birthdays and holidays and I just miss her. I start to see mothers and daughters shopping and giggling and I WANT it.I have two daughters and we shop and giggle....why do I still long to be the daughter in that? This year is different, I have reconnected with someone!!! I am anxious and nervous and excited!!! I know my mom will be HAPPY!!! Funny how things come along when you feel like there is no way.

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