
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life after Death......

This year has been strange for me. My mother passed away when she was 39. I am 38.....I will be honest....I am freaked out!!! I had never thought much about how old my mother was, or I should say how young she was. I am not sure how to deal with the fact that I am moving into a new stage of my life where I will be older than my mother.  It is so unfair that this 39 is where my mothers life on this earth had to end. I have always felt ripped off. I have had to go through so many major life events without her. She was not there for my first date, my prom, not one of my graduations, my wedding day, and when I had each one of my FOUR children. NOT FAIR!!!! 

I will admit it, I have been down right angry and bitter about the whole thing. Now I am going to work on LIVING past my mothers age. I will LIVE for us both. My mother is proud of me, I know she is. I long for her voice and her hugs but I will trust in the lord. I will trust that his plan is for me is a well thought out plan and I will face it with my head held high. 


  1. And I will be there with you every step of the way. You have always been there for me, and I love you for it.
    You don't know it, but I have prayed for you most every night. Prayed that the hole in your heart will heal. Prayed that you will find someone else to connect with.
    Well, I guess it's helped. Aunt Karyn is your new someone to connect with, and I think that hole is getting smaller. I'm still praying! HAVE HOPE

  2. My sweet sweet girl!!! How much I love you, you could never know. Thank you for your prayer and know that I am great. I have my ups and downs but I will ALAWYS be here for you. Thank you for caring.

  3. Well, I feel like it's the least I could do considering all of the things you've done for me! I'm so glad you are always there for me. Other girls don't have the same kind of relationship between them and their moms and I feel very sorry for them. I don't know what I would do if I didn't feel like I could trust you with my secrets. Life would be hard. Some girls exchange secrets and then say "don't tell anyone; especially not my mom!". But I feel like no one is trustworthy of my secrets but you. Just remember.....I love you.

  4. You have no idea how wonderful that makes me feel! I pray that you will ALWAYS know that you can come to me. God has given me a gift in each one if you, I try everyday to embrace it. I Love You darlin!!!!
